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Widget that sets the initial center/extent of the map on page load in one of the following ways :

  • by using a localView defined as a widget option
  • by using a resource initViewUrlField option and a specific service

Both use the page url to get the according parameter (and its value) required to get the correct view informations.


This widget is unbound, i.e. it doesn’t need to be linked a resource.


In order to be able to use resources views, a resource requires some options (see in resource options below) and must at least have one datastore served by a service of one of the following type :

  • featureserver
  • wfs (recommended)

XML Sample

A basic widget definition with localViews :

      <localView>-7972075,6190176</localView> <!-- 1 Saguenay -->
      <localView>-8199582,5710712</localView> <!-- 2 Montreal -->
      <localView>-13709010,6323890</localView> <!-- 3 Vancouver -->

How to “draw” the widget

This widget doesn’t need to be drawn.

Mandatory Options


Optional Options


(Boolean) Defaults to true. Whether to toggle the resource layers visibility upon centering on a resource view or not.


(Boolean) Defaults to false. Adds vector features on the map for each features returned by the query. If the vectorLayer option is set, it will use that layer, else creates one.


(String) Defaults to localViewField. Sets the parameter to use in the page url to access the localViews.


(String) A comma-separated list of coordinates representing a view accessible locally (without using a resource). Can be a point location using 2 coordinates (x,y) or an extent with 4 (left,bottom,right,top). To use a localView, set the localViewField value as a parameter in the page url with value equal to the index of the localView wanted.


The index of localViews starts at 1, not 0.


(String) When using only one localView, use this option instead. See previous option for more.


Use localViewField=1 when using this option.


(Integer) The maximum level that can be zoomed to by this widget.


(Boolean) Defaults to false. If set, replaces the map zoomToMaxExtent method for one recentering on the view instead.


(String) The name of the VectorLayer widget to use for highlight purpose. Only used if highlight option is set.


The VectorLayer widget must be defined before this widget in order for this option to work, otherwise the layer won’t be created yet when this widget tries to use it.

Resource Options


(String) Mandatory if you want to use a resource view. Sets the parameter to use in the page url to access a view of the resource.


This value doesn’t need to be unique for a resource. If a same url field is used by multiple resources, they will all attempt to get the according view. The first returning a valid one will be used and others ignored.

Service Types

If you want to use resourceViews, the resource requires to have the above mandatory options and it must also be linked to a service of one of following types :

  • featureserver


    Requests to get the views are synchronous when using featureserver, so the page might take a while to load. The page still uses the original map center at first, then if a view is valid the map will zoom to its location.

  • wfs (recommended)


    Requests to get the features are asynchronous when using wfs, so the page will load using the original map center at first, then if a view is returned the map will zoom to its location.

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