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Widget that enables the possibility to draw new features on vector layers on the map. Since the new features drawn are directly linked to a Resource, you must specify the kind of geometry available to draw.


This widget can’t be drawn with the drawWidget(s) template(s). Instead, it must be added to the GeoExtToolbar widget using its __featurepanel__ widget tag value.

See also


XML Sample

Sample configuration


Mandatory Options


The geometry type the widget can draw. The possible values are (case sensitive) :

  • Point
  • LineString
  • Polygon

Optional Options

featurepanel:The name of the featurepanel widget (of any kind) to display to edit the attributes (fields) of features. If none was provided, then the attributes can’t be edited.
 The options for the OpenLayers control to be created. Can have any <OpenLayers property>value</OpenLayers property> tag of the corresponding Control created, i.e. SelectFeature (editgeom: false) or ModifyFeature (editgeom: true).
 The options for the OpenLayers DrawFeature controls to be created. Can have any <OpenLayers property>value</OpenLayers property> tag of the DrawFeature control.
text:The text to display for the item menu of the toolbar. You can also define a text node in the datastore params instead.

Resource Options

selectorMethod:(String) Only used if this widget has no ‘featurepanel’ option set. After inserting a single feature, open a window containing what this method returns.
 (Integer) If set, defines the height of the window opened after a single insert. Only used when “selectorMethod” resource option is set.
 (Integer) If set, defines the width of the window opened after a single insert. Only used when “selectorMethod” resource option is set.

Service Type


Widget Action


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