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Build Your Acl DriverΒΆ

Creating a custom ACL driver involves a few steps that should feel like a relatively easy task for a PHP programmer. Basically, your new driver needs to implement the only abstract class defined in the ACL.php file, that is org_geoprisma_acl_ACL and its abstract public function isAuthorized. Once defined, you then set GeoPrisma to use your new driver.

See the BorealisACL or NoACL driver for an example.

  1. Create a new PHP class which extends org_geoprisma_acl_ACL

    class your_custom_acl_driver extends org_geoprisma_acl_ACL
  2. Implement the com_borealis_foundation_util_Singleton abstract function in the constructor of your new class.

    class your_custom_acl_driver extends org_geoprisma_acl_ACL
        private static $s_objInstance = null;
        private function __construct()
            // Singleton DP
        public static function getInstance()
            if (is_null(self::$s_objInstance))
                self::$s_objInstance = new your_custom_acl_driver();
            return self::$s_objInstance;
  3. Implement the isAuthorized function in your class. This function receives two parameters : Ressource Name and Action Name. Your function checks if the action in this resource is authorized and returns true or false.

    class your_custom_acl_driver extends org_geoprisma_acl_ACL
        public function isAuthorized($pstrRessource, $pstrAction)
               return true;
               return false;
  4. Set Geoprisma to use your driver [1]


    P.S: Your driver class needs to be loaded before, or loaded in an autoload function like com_borealis_Autoload.php

    require 'your_custom_acl_driver.php'
  5. Final result of your_custom_acl_driver.php

    class your_custom_acl_driver extends org_geoprisma_acl_ACL
        private static $s_objInstance = null;
        private function __construct()
            // Singleton DP
        public static function getInstance()
            if (is_null(self::$s_objInstance))
                self::$s_objInstance = new your_custom_acl_driver();
            return self::$s_objInstance;
        public function isAuthorized($pstrRessource, $pstrAction)
               return true;
               return false;
[1]The default acl driver used is defined in the Setting.php file. It defaults to org_geoprisma_acl_NoACL. The implementation resides in the SettingImpl.php class. That class defines getters and setters, amongst which the setter for the locale driver : setACLClass. This is usually done in the common.php file.

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