.. _widget-zoomslider-label:


Replaces the OpenLayers zoom slider control by the GeoExt ZoomSlider widget by
using a *Slider* from ExtJS and some *.css* replacement.

.. note:: Must be applied as an item of a GeoExt.MapPanel with layout:'anchor'.

.. note:: This widget must appear only once.

XML Sample
Sample configuration

.. code-block:: xml


drawWidget Sample
The widget can be drawn with the *drawWidget* function but directly in a
GeoExt.MapPanel object.  Here's an example of use :

.. code-block:: xslt

   oMyMapPanel = new GeoExt.MapPanel ({
     id: 'gpDefaultMap',
     title: 'Map',
     layout: 'anchor', // (Mandatory)
     region: 'center',
     border: false,
     height: 800,
     width: 800,
     <xsl:if test="count(/geoprisma/widgets/widget[./type = 'zoomslider']) > 0 ">
     items: [
       <xsl:for-each select="/geoprisma/widgets/widget[./type = 'zoomslider']">
         <xsl:call-template name="zoomslider:drawWidget">
           <xsl:with-param name="pWidgetName" select="./name" />
     map: oMap

Mandatory Options

Optional Options

Service Type

Widget Action