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Build Your Locale Driver

Creating a custom locale driver involves a few steps that should feel like a relatively easy task for a PHP programmer. Basically, your new driver needs to implement the only abstract class defined in the Locale.php file, that is org_geoprisma_locale_Locale and its abstract public function getTranslation(args). Once defined, you then set GeoPrisma to use your new driver.

See the GetTextLocale driver for an example.

  1. Create a new PHP class which extends org_geoprisma_locale_Locale

    class your_custom_locale_driver extends org_geoprisma_locale_Locale
  2. Implement the com_borealis_foundation_util_Singleton abstract function in the constructor of your new class.

    class your_custom_locale_driver extends org_geoprisma_locale_Locale
        private static $s_objInstance = null;
        private function __construct()
        public static function getInstance()
             if (is_null(self::$s_objInstance))
            self::$s_objInstance = new your_custom_locale_driver_GetTextLocale();
            return self::$s_objInstance;
  3. Implement the getTranslation function in your class. This function receives two parameters : Message String and Domain Name. Your function opens whatever you decide it should open (database connection, XML file, .properties file, etc.) and returns the translated string matched. For a driver that would use for example an XML file which would list message strings and translations without domains, the getTranslation function implementation could care only about the Message String parameter and forget the second one.

    class your_custom_locale_driver extends org_geoprisma_locale_Locale
        public function getTranslation($pstrMsg, $pstrDomainName)
               return matchedString;
  4. Set Geoprisma to use your driver [1]


    P.S: Your driver class needs to be loaded before, or loaded in an autoload function like com_borealis_Autoload.php

    require 'your_custom_locale_driver.php'
[1]The default locale driver used is defined in the Setting.php file. It defaults to org_geoprisma_locale_GetTextLocale. The implementation resides in the SettingImpl.php class. That class defines getters and setters, amongst which the setter for the locale driver : setLocaleClass. This is usually done in the common.php file.

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