.. _widget-mapfishrecenter-label: ======================== MapFishRecenter ======================== .. note:: This widget is **deprecated**. Widget that basically use the Recenter widget from MapFish. It's a textbox field where the user can input some text. A request is send on the server and matching results are returned in a dropdown list. The selection of one element from the list recenters the map to it. XML Sample ------------ Sample configuration .. code-block:: xml W_MyMapFishRecenter Search true 10 field1 field1 %# field2 field2 drawWidget Sample ------------------- The widget must be drawn with the *drawWidget* function. See :ref:`widget-basics-drawWidgets-label`. Mandatory Options ------------------- :fields/field/queryparam: The field to be searched in the database :fields/field/displayfield: The field to be shown in the combobox, can be setted to a different value than the queryparam :fields/field/label: The label to be printed with the combobox Optional Options ------------------ :fields/field/filter: For this field to be used, the forcefilters parameter must be set to true. The '%' are the jokers and the '#' is replaced by the query. Setted to '%#%' by default :forcefilters: Set to true to remove the radiobuttons and force the filters per field :defaultzoom: The zoom level to zoom to when recentering on a Point geometry. Service Type -------------- featureserver Widget Action -------------- read