.. _widget-editfeature-create-label: ==================== EditFeature_Create ==================== Widget that enables the possibility to draw new features on vector layers on the map. Since the new features drawn are directly linked to a Resource, you must specify the kind of geometry available to draw. .. note:: This widget can't be drawn with the drawWidget(s) template(s). Instead, it must be added to the GeoExtToolbar widget using its **__featurepanel__** widget tag value. .. seealso:: :ref:`widget-editfeature-label` XML Sample ------------ Sample configuration .. code-block:: xml W_MyEditFeature_Create_LineString LineString W_MyFeaturePanelForm Mandatory Options ------------------- :geometrytype: The geometry type the widget can draw. The possible values are (**case sensitive**) : * Point * LineString * Polygon Optional Options ------------------ :featurepanel: The name of the *featurepanel* widget (of any kind) to display to edit the attributes (fields) of features. If none was provided, then the attributes can't be edited. :featurecontroloptions: The options for the OpenLayers control to be created. Can have any value tag of the corresponding Control created, i.e. SelectFeature (editgeom: false) or ModifyFeature (editgeom: true). :drawfeatureoptions: The options for the OpenLayers DrawFeature controls to be created. Can have any value tag of the DrawFeature control. :text: The text to display for the item menu of the toolbar. You can also define a text node in the datastore params instead. Resource Options ------------------ :selectorMethod: (String) Only used if this widget has no 'featurepanel' option set. After inserting a single feature, open a window containing what this method returns. :selectorTemplateHeight: (Integer) If set, defines the height of the window opened after a single insert. Only used when "selectorMethod" resource option is set. :selectorTemplateWidth: (Integer) If set, defines the width of the window opened after a single insert. Only used when "selectorMethod" resource option is set. Service Type -------------- featureserver Widget Action -------------- create