.. _widget-queryonclickwizard-label: ==================== QueryOnClickWizard ==================== This widget automatically creates the following widgets : * :ref:`widget-queryonclick-label` * :ref:`widget-vectorlayer-label` * :ref:`widget-resultvectorlayer-label` These are automatically created with pre-defined options that cannot be changed. The query button is also automatically added to the toolbar as the **first** element, right after the default controls. .. warning:: This widget is only supported by the :ref:`config-pgsqlmapcontextconfig-label` driver. XML Sample - draw ------------------ This widget doesn't need to be drawn. Created widget *"default options"* ----------------------------------- Here's the list of default options set for each widget created : :QueryOnClick: drowDownList: false, multipleKey: shiftKey, noMarker: true, toggle: true, displayClass: olControlQueryOnClickWizard :VectorLayer: *No default options set* :ResultVectorLayer: singleMode: true Mandatory Options ------------------- N/A Optional Options ------------------ :iconCls: (String) Defaults to 'queryonclickwizard'. Sets the *"iconCls"* option of the QueryOnClick widget created. :layerName: (String) Sets the *"title"* option of the VectorLayer widget created. Service Type -------------- wms Widget Action -------------- read