.. _widget-querybyrect-label: ======================== QueryByRect ======================== Widget that send GetFeature requests when a box is drawn on the map. Only visible layers are queried. To display the query results, the widget must use one or more of theses widgets : * :ref:`widget-resultextgrid-label`. .. note:: This widget can't be drawn with the drawWidget template. Instead, it must be added to one of the toolbar widgets : * GeoExtToolbar .. note:: When added to the GeoExtToolbar, a dropDown is created. Its content gets populated by the following information (only one, in priority order) : * the of the resource * the <text> node of the DataStore (if set) * the resource name XML Sample ------------ Sample configuration .. code-block:: xml <querybyrect> <name>W_MyQuerybyrect</name> <options> <results> <result>W_MyResultExtGrid</result> </results> </options> </querybyrect> Having a single <result> tag if only one result is used by the widget is also okay : .. code-block:: xml <querybyrect> <name>W_MyQuerybyrect</name> <options> <result>W_MyResultExtGrid</result> </options> </querybyrect> Configuration with "resetOnDeactivation" set to all .. code-block:: xml <querybyrect> <name>W_MyQuerybyrect</name> <options> <resetOnDeactivation>all</resetOnDeactivation> <results> <result>W_MyResultExtGrid</result> </results> </options> </querybyrect> XML Sample - widget to be added to a toolbar --------------------------------------------- This widget must be added to a GeoExtToolbar widget .. code-block:: xslt <geoexttoolbar> <name>W_GeoExtToolbar</name> <options> <widgets> <widget>W_MyQuerybyrect</widget> </widgets> </options> </geoexttoolbar> Mandatory Options ------------------- :results: Contains <result> tags if you wish to use more than one result. Either 'results' or 'result' is mandatory. :result: Name of a result widget that will be used to contain the features returned by a query. Can only be used if one result is used by the query. Either 'results' or 'result' is mandatory. :results/result: If you want to have more than one result, you must define them in <results> tag. Optional Options ------------------ :resetOnDeactivation: Determine what to reset when the widget gets deactivated. By default (when this option is ommited), it's automatically set to "nothing". You can set this option to (**case sensitive**): * nothing : (removes nothing) * all : (reset the query results) :dropDownList: Can be set to *true* or *false*. Default value is *true* if ommited. Creates a SplitButton object if set to *true* instead of a regular button. Service Type -------------- * featureserver * wfs Widget Action -------------- read