.. _widget-overviewmap-label: ============= OverviewMap ============= Adds an OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap control to the map. The bottom-most layer is used as overview map unless a resource has the **overview** option set. See the options below to know more. .. note:: The widget doesn't need to be linked to resources. .. note:: Do not use multiple instances of this widget. XML Sample ----------- Sample configuration. .. code-block:: xml W_OverviewMap true 160 160 How to draw the widget ----------------------- The widget is automatically added to the map. It doesn't need to be drawn. Mandatory Options ------------------ N/A Optional Options ------------------ Any API property of the OpenLayers.Control.OverviewMap control can be set as an option for this widget. Among the most commonly used : :maximized: (Boolean) Defaults to false. Whether to render the OverviewMap maximized or not. :size/h: (Integer) Defaults to 90. The height of the overview map in pixels. :size/w: (Integer) Defaults to 180. The width of the overview map in pixels. .. note:: When setting one size option, setting the other becomes mandatory. Resource Options ----------------- :overview: (Boolean) Defaults to false. When set, the first resource layer is used as the overview map. If no resource have this option set, the widget will behave as default. .. note:: Only one resource can have this option set. Service Type ------------- N/A Widget Action -------------- read