.. _download-label: ============================ Download ============================ Whatever is the version you wish to use, simply put the downloaded GeoPrisma directory it in a web accessible directory, such as *htdocs*. .. _download-from-svn-label: From SVN -------------- If you have `SVN `_ installed, you can checkout the trunk version of GeoPrisma by typing the following command in a shell : .. code-block:: php svn co https://svn.osgeo.org/geoprisma/projects/geoprisma/trunk/ It is recommended to do so : * while GeoPrisma is still under development (until the 1.0 version is released) * if you plan to create/modify any GeoPrisma feature * if you want create a new sample .. seealso:: :ref:`how-to-make-a-new-sample-label` .. _download-from-bundle-label: From bundle -------------------- *Bundles* are available at the `GeoPrisma website `_ , under the *Download* tab. It is a minimized and static version of the current GeoPrisma trunk. The directory structure is slightly different than the real trunk version.