.. _configuration-label: ============================ Configuration of GeoPrisma ============================ .. _prerequistes-label: Prerequistes ------------- GeoPrisma needs the following libraries : * libxslt-lib * curl-lib * gettext-lib * translate-toolkit The core of GeoPrisma needs PHP 5.2+ (tested on PHP 5.2.8) with the following extensions : * xsl * curl * gettext * mbstring If you wish to use pgsql with PDO as your ACL driver, PHP must be installed with : .. code-block:: php --with-pdo-pgsql The *Magic Quotes* must also be disabled. If you're using Apache, setting the following config to *Off* does the trick : .. code-block:: php magic_quotes_gpc = Off To help you know if you have all the above prerequistes installed and running in your system, GeoPrisma has it's own "*php-info.php*"-like file. Its locations differs depending of the version you use : * If you're using trunk, it's the gp-info.php file in the root directory. * If you're using a release package, it's the index.php in the root directory. .. seealso:: `A live example of the gp-info.php file `_ With these elements installed and running, you'll be able to view the samples. If you wish to create your own samples or start a new project, you'll need to have the following components installed with all their own prerequistes : * `MapServer `_ * `FeatureServer `_ * `TileCache `_ Each one of these components is called a :ref:`concepts-service-label` in GeoPrisma. .. note:: If you wish to use the *i18n* support in GeoPrisma, your need to configure locales in your system. For example, in Linux, to check the locales installed : .. code-block:: php locale -a Add any missing language by executing the following command then restart apache (french is this example) : .. code-block:: php sudo apt-get install language-pack-fr-base Installation -------------------- #. :ref:`download-label` GeoPrisma. #. Put GeoPrisma directory in a web-visible directory. #. Fill the :ref:`prerequistes-label` #. View the GeoPrisma directory from a browser. .. seealso:: :ref:`tutorials-label` Extension points ----------------- GeoPrisma provides extension points to facilitate customization. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 acl/index config/index locale/index